PayAnyBank API

This API call used to perform bank payments. To perform a Pay Any Bank transaction, please use the example below
replacing key and sourceAccount with the values you have from the previous steps. Pay special attention to the ‘fields’
object. Note that every country has different requirements for bank transactions which should be observed within the
data passed. The parameters Money, BankPayee and Fields should be changed according to the bank country. The
details are shown for each country within the list.

HTTP Request


Content-TypeStringUse value 'application/json'
AcceptStringUse value 'application/json'
x-api-versionStringUse value 1
KeyStringAPI key


sourceAccountStringtrueAccount number from which the amount of money will be debited
moneyMoneytrueThe Object containing two String attributes: amount and currency of the transfer
descriptionStringtrueDescription for this transfer which min character is 1 and max characters are 25
traceIdStringtrueUnique transaction identifier. You can assign any value
bankPayeeBankPayeetrueDestination account and destination bank data. In demo you can use fake data

The object field Money is defined as below:


amountNumbertrueTransaction value
currencyStringtrueCurrency code (ISO 4217)

The object BankPayee is defined as below:


countryObjecttrueCountry code of the bank country
currencyStringtrueBank Payee Currency
descriptionStringfalseDescription for this transfer which min character is 1 and max characters are 25
personalBooleanconditionalInput "false" for B2B transaction
fieldsMaptrueMap of type String


Please Note : country field should contain the country code of the bank’s country and not the user’s address country. For Instance, if the user belongs to Norway and has an Revolut account based in Lithuania , the bank payee country code should be LT and not NO.


The fields object is entirely dependent on the country and currency. Please use the APIs to find the bank detail fields required for each country and currency under our Bank Details Fields in our next section.

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