Get Transaction Status
An API call that given a transaction reference, returns the status of that particular transaction.
HTTP Request
where , transactionReference Unique transaction id identifier (Path Variable)
Please make sure that the status of the call is obtained from a valid API response (200). In case that the reply is invalid (not a 200 response), kindly retry the request or check the transaction with our integration team.
Example of a valid response(200) for a Processed/Rejected transaction:
"payload": [
"transactionReference": "2500ebc5-8345-4595-8b06-3200797e2b8e",
"transactionStatus": 5,
"transactionStatusDescription": "Processed by acquirer",
"arn": "85271954003400337846992",
"transactionLastUpdated": "2024-01-04T09:30:23.767Z",
"traceId": "76152654-82f2-468b-aca8-4305938f0629"
"payload": [
"transactionReference": "ad52d870-da3a-4429-9bab-22a59f416ab4",
"transactionStatus": 6,
"transactionStatusDescription": "Rejected",
"transactionLastUpdated": "2023-12-14T15:21:55.631Z",
"traceId": "17acb228-7608-4c15-a511-60768efb316d",
"errorMessage": "Transaction failed"
Example of an invalid response
"errors": [
"type": "FATAL",
"errorCode": "ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "No transaction found for transaction reference: ad52d870-da3a-4429-9bab-22a59f416ab3."
"errors": [
"type": "FATAL",
"errorCode": "ACCESS_DENIED",
"message": "Cannot perform this action. Access denied"
Updated 12 months ago
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