Error Codes

In case of an error return through our API call, we will structure the data in the following way:

typeTruethe type of error, can be one of FATAL, VALIDATION_FIELD, VALIDATION_GLOBAL
errorCodeTruethe technical error code
messageTruea friendly message explaining the error
formObjectNameFalseThe object within the response
FieldFalseThe field in error


The error codes for a FATAL PAC / PMC are defined below:

Error codeMessage
BAD_ACCOUNT_NUMBERBad account number.
CARD_EXPIREDInvalid card expiry date - {0}
EXPIRY_DATE_FUTUREInvalid card expiry date {0} - Expiry date must be in the next {1} years
OPERATION_NOT_POSSIBLEPAC currency of the amount has to be the same as the currency of the source account
TRANSACTION_FAILEDCannot find card details
OPERATION_NOT_POSSIBLEOperation not possible due to {0}
ELEMENT_NOT_FOUNDElement {0} with id {1} not found.
ELEMENT_NOT_FOUNDCard holder nationality may not be empty
ELEMENT_NOT_FOUNDCard name may not be empty
TRANSACTION_FAILEDCannot find card details
TRANSACTION_FAILEDProcessor sends the error code and message
TRANSACTION_FAILEDTransaction Declined: {0}, reason: Invalid data for queue processing
UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCYCurrency {} is not supported by the system!
ACCOUNT_DISABLEDAccount {0} is disabled.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSYou have insufficient funds in your eWallet. Please top up your eWallet account.
ACCESS_DENIEDCannot perform this action. Access denied
BLACKLISTEDCard BIN is blacklisted
BLACKLISTEDCard scheme not permitted
BLACKLISTEDWe are unable to process transactions for this card
INVALID_DATA_FORMATInvalid card number.

The error codes for VALIDATION_FIELD are the below:

01001Invalid credit card number
01002Must be a valid expiry date.
01003Description size must be between 1 and 25
01004Invalid currency {}
01005Unsupported currency – {}

The error codes for the type VALIDATION_GLOBAL are the below:

DAILY_VELOCITY_EXCEEDEDDaily velocity exceeded
WEEKLY_VELOCITY_EXCEEDEDWeekly velocity exceeded
MONTHLY_VELOCITY_EXCEEDEDMonthly velocity exceeded
OPERATION_NOT_POSSIBLEVelocities: Zero amount